Four years ago, a friend and I realized that the lift we received from Sunday night Washington Mindfulness Community gatherings didn't quite get us through the week. I asked Crossings, a nearby holistic…
Mitchell Ratner
Mitchell Ratner, True Mirror of Wisdom, has taught classes and workshops focused on integrating mindfulness meditation with work, meaningful relationships, and the challenges of everyday life since 1994. In 2001 he was ordained as a Dharma teacher by Thích Nhất Hạnh. He practices with the Still Water Mindfulness Practice Center and lives with his wife in Takoma Park, Maryland, US.

Articles in The Mindfulness Bell
Ready When Ripe
By Mitchell Ratner
In the spring of 1997, the Washington Mindfulness Community Order of Interbeing aspirants initiated mentoring by writing a letter of aspiration to our local Dharmacharyas, Anh-Huong and Thu Nguyen, and to the other four…
Family Retreats
By Mitchell Ratner
By Ann-Mari Gemmill & Mitchell Ratner Every fall and spring for the past five years, members of the Washington Mindfulness Community retreat to an old lodge on the Chesapeake Bay. The lodge…
By Mitchell Ratner
I have found that my ability to work mindfully is directly related to the arrangement of my furniture and tools. Two years ago during a stay at Plum Village, I talked…
Support Monastics in Vietnam
By Mitchell Ratner
By Susan O’Leary, Mitchell Ratner, and Members of the Monastic Community photo by Paul Davis On September 27, 2009, 379 monastics practicing in the Plum Village tradition were violently evicted…