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Leïla Denis

Leïla Denis, Authentic Presence of the Heart (pronouns she/her), met Thầy when she was nineteen, reading his book La sérénité de l’instant. Trying to take care of the simple actions or non-actions of daily life seemed to her a very beautiful way of living her life. Thirty years later, she feels very grateful to have met two beautiful Sanghas: Le Jardin de l’Instant, and les Gardien.nes de la Terre, with which she learns to be and inter-be, act and inter-act. She lives in the countryside near Paris with her husband and their two teenage sons, and shares embodiment and healing practices, as body intelligence is her way to touch the miracle of life.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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