Dr. Larry Ward
I am a class of color created by a colonial mind missing its own self-worth. But the dance of my ancestors in my bones has kept me awake and kept me alive.
Larry Ward (pronouns he/him), PhD, is a poet, writer, spiritual teacher, and co-founder of The Lotus Institute. He is the acclaimed author of America’s Racial Karma: An Invitation to Heal, and a senior Dharma teacher ordained in the Plum Village tradition. Dr. Ward holds a PhD in Religious Studies with an emphasis on Buddhism and the neuroscience of meditation. As a teacher, Larry interweaves insights with personal stories and resounding clarity that express his Dharma name, True Great Sound.

America’s Racial Karma
An Invitation to Heal
Immediate, illuminating, and hopeful: this is the key set of talks given by leading Zen Buddhist teacher Larry Ward, PhD, on breaking America's cycle of racial trauma.
Love’s Garden
A Guide to Mindful Relationships
A collection of real-life Buddhist love stories, with commentary and guided exercises for couples developed by Peggy Rowe-Ward and Larry Ward, senior students and ordained Dharma teachers in the tradition...