Last September eight of us from Ukiah, California attended the Northern California retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh. While we were friends in varying combinations, it was the first time we'd come together spiritually.…
Jo-ann Rosen
Dharma Teacher Jo-ann Rosen, True River of Understanding, Chân Tuê Hà (pronouns she/her), received the Lamp in 2012, practices with the EMBRACE and Victoria Sanghas, and is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She teaches and lectures internationally, focusing on inner stability and community resiliency. Jo-ann Rosen’s writings center on a neuroscience-informed and trauma-sensitive approach to individual practice and collective awakening. She lives with her partner of forty years in the oak woodlands of Northern California, US.

Trauma-Informed Mindfulness for Collective Awakening
Unshakeable offers a holistic system for gaining and maintaining the stability of mind needed for personal and social transformation, even in the midst of trauma—with simple, body-based exercises.