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Jeanine Cogan

Jeanine Cogan, PhD, is a mindfulness meditation teacher and executive consultant. As a student of Thich Nhat Hanh since 1996, she is committed to introducing mindfulness and meditation to others and is known among her students as warm, light hearted, and grounded. Jeanine is also trained as a social psychologist, earning a doctorate degree from the University of Vermont. She taught at a number of Universities and was part of the faculty of the Center for Continuing and Professional Education at Georgetown where she taught courses on effective communication and leadership coaching. In 2009, Jeanine was recognized by the Washington Post as one of twenty successful professionals and invited to write for an online series on success. Jeanine has edited two other books and many articles published in academic journals.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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