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David Viafora

David Viafora studied closely with Thích Nhất Hạnh as an aspirant and novice monk in Plum Village and Deer Park Monastery between 2003 and 2007, before finding his niche in community lay life. In the past two decades, since his early twenties, he has founded over half a dozen local Sanghas, several of which are still thriving today. Over the last six years, David has dedicated his life to building communities, visioning and organizing mindfulness retreats, and mentoring young adult facilitators across North America and Europe.

David’s deepest belief is that compassionately engaged communities are the key to the healing and transformation people deeply long for, on an individual and global scale. Pushing the envelope of compassionate communities, he is changing the world one breath, one community, and one book at a time. He lives in the MorningSun mindfulness community in New Hampshire.

  • Thriving Together

    Thriving Together

    Available February 25, 2025.

    Nine Principles for Cocreating True Community

    Research over the last few decades, both in the US and abroad, shows us that the fabric of community life is unraveling as our social resources deteriorate, an individualist worldview prevails, and rates of loneliness and isolation continue to rise. Is there another way to live? Where can we look for guidance?

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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