Daniel Doen Silberberg
Daniel Doen Silberberg is a Zen Teacher and founding director of the ‘Lost Coin Sangha’ in the ‘White Plum Lineage’ that descends from both the Rinzai and Soto schools.
Born in Bad Hartzburg, Germany, in 1947 his parents moved to New York City when he was four. Mr. Silberberg began formal Zen practice under Abbot Maezumi Roshi and resident teacher, Daido Roshi, at Zen Mountain Monastery in Mt. Tremper, New York. He draws on a rich and varied background. He received a B.A. in English literature, with an emphasis in Eastern literature, and has a Masters and Ph. D. in psychology. Prior to receiving dharma teacher transmission from Genpo Dennis Merzel in 2003 he had a successful career as a musician and has spent 25 years as a psychotherapist and as a coach and consultant in New York and Salt Lake City.