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Beating the Winter Blahs

It’s time to put away the holiday decor. New Year’s Day—with all its excitement and newness—is over. All you have stretching out in front of you now is…winter. Not the merry/exciting holiday winter—just plain old January and February winter. This period of time can feel dreary and low for many people,but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are three ways to beat the winter “blahs” that can help you to embrace, rather than brace against, this season.

Flowers in the Dark

Relief can be found in taking a single breath. Mindfulness teacher Sister Dang Nghiem, MD, is an inspiration for anyone who has ever suffered from abuse,  loss, severe illness, or the aftermath of life-changing trauma. In Flowers in the Dark, she brings together her lived experience as a survivor, certified MD, and ordained Buddhist teacher to offer a body-based, practical approach to healing from life's most difficult and painful experiences.

Offering insights from Buddhist psychology and simple somatic practices for tapping into our Five Strengths--our inner faculties of self-trust, diligence, mindfulness, concentration, and insight--Sister Dang Nghiem's approach to trauma is radically accessible; it begins with awareness of our breathing. With each chapter containing a progression of guided reflections and exercises, this book can be read as an adjunct to therapy and a helpful guide for moving through trauma in the body. With the practice of mindfulness, we can access our strength as survivors and our joy in being alive.

The Art of Leadership

How to restore harmony to ourselves and our nation? In this extract from a talk just after the inauguration of Barack Obama, Thich Nhat Hanh draws parallels between a president’s…

Peace Work and Engaged Buddhism

Engaged Buddhism—taking action in life, and changing our world—is the practice we must develop so that we can manifest the world we know is possible. We know it's possible to…

The Cosmos Inside Us

Heaven isn't up there, it's here. A writer reflects on the spiritual connections between ourselves, our conduct, and our planet in climate crisis, during a visit to Plum Village. By…

I Vow Not to Burn Out

As life under COVID-19 continues to challenge and warp our collective living, and in the United States we face the work of bringing real, meaningful justice and equality to bear,…

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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