Audio & Films
Audio and Films
15 items
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Mindful Movements
Ten Exercises for Well-Being
Over the years, Thích Nhất Hạnh and his monastic community in Plum Village, have developed more and more ways to integrate mindfulness practices into every aspect of their daily life....
Deep Relaxation
Coming Home to Your Body
For nearly 30 years Sister Chan Khong’s Deep Relaxation practice has been a highlight for thousands of people who have attended Order of Interbeing Buddhist retreats. With Deep Relaxation the...
Mindful Living Every Day DVD
Practicing in the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness is the practice of cultivating full awareness of the present moment. Mindful Living Every Day, filmed on location in Plum Village, France, gives an overview of the concrete practices...
Art of Flower Arranging CD
In this classic 1989 talk, Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh uses flower arranging as a metaphor for establishing harmony both within ourselves and in our families. Thầy, as his...
Living Buddha, Living Christ (1996 Cassette Tape)
Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley reads Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thích Nhất Hạnh's inspiring masterpiece. "When you are a truly happy Christian, you are also a Buddhist. And vice versa."...
Touching Peace Audio CD
In Touching Peace, Thích Nhất Hạnh reveals the connection between inner peace and peace on earth. Recorded live in New York in 1991, he teaches how mindful breathing and the...
Being Peace Audio CD
Thích Nhất Hạnh delivered the words on this compact disk to an assembly of 700 gathered at Green Gulch Zen Center in Muir Beach, California, on November 3, 1985, and...
Dharma Rain CD
Denys Candy, True Mountain of Loving Kindness, practices with Laughing Rivers Sangha in Pittsburgh, PA. You can hear his songs on the Dharma Rain CD featuring his band and other Laughing Rivers...
Portrait of Laughing Rivers Sangha DVD
Laughing Rivers Sangha is one of more than a thousand communities worldwide that practices mindfulness as taught by Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We meet weekly to practice mindful...
Happy Teachers Will Change the World
Bringing mindfulness into education
Being a teacher in the world of today is a demanding job with lots of challenges, often resulting in stress and burnout. Is there a solution? In the film Happy...
Happy Teachers will change the World, in Barcelona
Both the teachers and students of today face a lot of challenges, like work load, stress, lack of attention, etc. How to transform the current educational system – and thereby...
To Live Awake
A film about how to wake up to life, cultivating peace, freedom and happiness, in times full of individual and social challenges.
Dear Earth
Who is standing up to protect the Earth?
In the film DEAR EARTH, we follow Karim, Satya and Vishal, three climate activists of the Extinction Rebellion movement in England during a siege of London's administrative and business district....
Rebel for Life
Rebel for Life is a powerful story about climate activism, the spirit of community and the future of life on Earth. At the centre of this truly engaging story we...
The Way Out
An urgent film about Climate Crisis, Activism and Mindfulness.
What can we do, now that time is running out? Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has a revolutionary proposal for facing the Climate Crisis. “The way out is in,” he...