In January 2024, Thích Nhất Hạnh (Thầy)—the teacher of mindful living and the founder of the Plum Village tradition—will be celebrated as the Fifth Patriarch of Từ Hiếu root temple and First Patriarch of the Plum Village Sangha. We invite you to learn more about Thầy's life and the spiritual roots of Plum Village through Thầy's books, which continue to be some of his most accessible offerings to the world.

Herstory: A Women’s History Month Q&A with Elizabeth McKellar
In celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, Elizabeth McKellar, our Director of Sales, Marketing, and New Media, shares a bit about herself, her thoughts on publishing, and the…

Book Club: Learning True Love – Practicing Buddhism in a Time of War
You're invited to join us for a series of book club discussions on Sister Chân Không’s autobiography Learning True Love beginning during Women’s History Month. Please register to attend and…

Herstory: A Women’s History Month Interview with Retiring Editor Terry Barber
On this International Women's Day, we celebrate Terry Barber and her commitment to spreading the teachings of mindfulness and peace. Her dedication and hard work have been a true gift to the community, and we are grateful for all that she has done.

At Home in the World
Have you ever felt lonely or like you didn't belong? Looking this way and that way for your “True home”? Deer Park Monastery invites you to an international Online Retreat,…

Staff Pick: The Energy of Prayer, How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice by Thích Nhất Hạnh
Read about our latest Staff Pick: The Energy of Prayer, How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice by Thích Nhất Hạnh

A gift for you
To celebrate Thầy's books for children, we are offering the community a gift copy of A Handful of Quiet. When you use the discount code TNHGIFT, this hardcover book will be 100% off and you will only need to pay for shipping.

Book Club: Hermitage Among the Clouds
Please join us for a book club discussion on Thích Nhất Hạnh’s Hermitage Among the Clouds, which tells the story of the fourteenth century Princess Amazing Jewel, the daughter of one of Vietnam’s greatest historical Zen master kings.

Raising the Tension: Nonviolent Action to Cultivate Beloved Community
In this excerpt from Brothers in the Beloved Community, author Bishop Marc Andrus discusses how Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used the nonviolent technique of "raising the tension" to cultivate reconciliation and acknowledgement of the interbeing of all people.

Mindful Holiday Gifts
We have several new books that we are excited about, and many categories on our website to help you find the right gift for your friend, family, coworker, and yourself! We invite you to take some time to explore, shop with intention, and give mindfully.