“When a painful emotion comes up, stop whatever you’re doing and take care of it. Pay attention to what is happening. The practice is simple. Lie down, put your hand on your belly, and begin to breathe. Or you may sit on a cushion or on a chair. Stop thinking, and bring your mind down to the level of the navel.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, No Mud, No Lotus
No Mud, No Lotus
By Thich Nhat Hanh on
The intimate connection between suffering and happiness
Continuing after Suicide Loss
Published on
Brother Peace reflects on losing both his parents to depression, and grief as a beautiful path of awakening.
How to Be Engaged without Becoming Entangled
By Dr. Larry Ward on
In this Dharma talk, Dr. Larry Ward shares about caring for our traumatic experiences so we can fully arrive where we are needed.
Other articles in this issue
Earth and Racial Justice Framework
By Andrew Deckert, Chaya Ocampo Go, John Bell, Sara Henry, Shephali Patel, Simona Coayla-Duba, Sister True Vow, Stephanie Knox Steiner
In our regular column in the Mindfulness Bell, the Earth Holder Community would like to offer our Earth and Racial Justice framework, which serves as the foundation of our work. May it nourish our practice and action.