By Bethany Freshnock
As I drove home one day, the Missouri River Valley was particularly beautiful. A perfect day for a bike ride! I looked forward to taking one, but first, I had to stop at my sister’s house.
As always, the house was bustling with activity. Brittani, sti ll dressed in her school uniform, was practicing her spelling words at the kitchen table. Stanton was watching a video, and nine-month-old McKenzi was playing at my sister’s feet.
By Bethany Freshnock
As I drove home one day, the Missouri River Valley was particularly beautiful. A perfect day for a bike ride! I looked forward to taking one, but first, I had to stop at my sister's house.
As always, the house was bustling with activity. Brittani, sti ll dressed in her school uniform, was practicing her spelling words at the kitchen table. Stanton was watching a video, and nine-month-old McKenzi was playing at my sister's feet. The house smelled of the bread my sister was warming for dinner. I scooped up McKenzi as I checked out the speller extraordinaire. She was working on the word "breakfast."
Stanton asked me to help him put on his roller skates. After putting the elbow pads on his knees and the knee pads on his elbows, I helped him fasten his skates. "Why are you doing that so fast?" he asked.
Bong! The mindfulness bell sounded in the form of my four-year-old nephew. I took a mindful breath. "You know," I said, "I've been looking forward to taking a bike ride. I was thinking that I may not have time to take one if I stay here too long. But, I should have plenty of time." Then, I mindfully put his elbow pads on his elbows, and his knee pads on his knees.
Bethany Freshnock practices with the Heartland Community of Mindful Living in Kansas City, Missouri.