Every one of us can do something to protect and care for our planet. We have to live in such a way that a future will be possible for our children and our grandchildren. Our own life has to be our message. — Thich Nhat Hanh
Dear Friends:
At the direction of our Teacher, Deer Park Monastery is engaging the problem of global warming in a number of ways.
Every one of us can do something to protect and care for our planet. We have to live in such a way that a future will be possible for our children and our grandchildren. Our own life has to be our message. — Thich Nhat Hanh
Dear Friends:
At the direction of our Teacher, Deer Park Monastery is engaging the problem of global warming in a number of ways. Our environmental initiatives include conversion of our vehicles to vegetable-based fuels; reduction of our use of cars through our “car-free” Tuesdays each week; careful selection of organic and local products when possible; recycling of all possible materials we use in the Monastery; and, importantly, the development of a clean, non-polluting solar energy system at Deer Park. The monastic and lay communities have worked diligently during the past year to make this project a reality, and we are now able to proceed with construction of the system. We wish to invite you to join in this effort by contributing as you are able to our Solar Energy Fund Drive. We expect to have this project funded and in operation during the year 2007, but we need your help.
Our goal is to preserve the environment and to reduce our contributions to global warming by producing 100% of our electricity with clean solar power. Our planned 66-kilowatt photovoltaic system will produce all the electricity needed by the Monastery and will contribute significantly to the local energy system by producing the most clean power during peak power needs — the time when power plants emit the most pollution.
The entire project will cost approximately $530,000, and the State of California’s rebate program will provide $182,000. This subsidy is available now, and we need to ensure that we are among the selected participants in California. Our Sangha has a unique opportunity to be more mindful about our use of energy and to make a positive difference in global warming.
Deer Park’s Southern California location is ideal for solar power. Because our location and project design are so effective, we are likely to receive the highest rebate level offered by the State. That being said, we still need about $350,000 to complete this project. By helping Deer Park, you will also offset some of your own contributions to global climate change.
If you would like to help Deer Park Monastery Go Solar!, you can give a tax-deductible donation online at www.deerparkmonastery.org, or you can mail a donation to (please include your address for a receipt of tax-deductibility): Deer Park Monastery, Attn. Go Solar!, 2499 Melru Lane, Escondido, CA 92026, USA.
Thank you from the fourfold Sangha at Deer Park Monastery.