While The Mindfulness Bell is officially the journal of the Order of Interbeing, our hope is to reach beyond the Order’s core community to include everyone who finds Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings and practice inspiring. This global Sangha is made up of a wide variety of people with very different life experiences-Europeans, Asians, North Americans, Jews, Christians, parents, children, gays and lesbians, teachers, lawyers, prisoners, veterans of war, and many more. In such a diverse group, it can be challenging to find ways to understand each other,
While The Mindfulness Bell is officially the journal of the Order of Interbeing, our hope is to reach beyond the Order's core community to include everyone who finds Thich Nhat Hanh's teachings and practice inspiring. This global Sangha is made up of a wide variety of people with very different life experiences-Europeans, Asians, North Americans, Jews, Christians, parents, children, gays and lesbians, teachers, lawyers, prisoners, veterans of war, and many more. In such a diverse group, it can be challenging to find ways to understand each other, but as Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us in his lead article, we cannot afford to be without our Sangha body, without a community of friends who practice together and support one another. Building a healthy Sangha takes work and persistence. Articles from Dhanna teacher Jack Lawlor and the New York Community of Mindfulness provide insights to help those starting and maintaining a Sangha. This issue also includes some Sangha news and a Sangha prorile, as well as a listing of the more than 200 groups worldwide that practice in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. We hope this will give you a flavor of the different ways that communities take form.
With this issue, I will be stepping down from the position of managing editor. It has been a wonderful opportunity to serve the Sangha and get to know many of you-thank you for your support. I look forward to continued involvement in the community in other ways. -Maria Duerr