From the Editors

We offer you this harvest of writings which have come to us out of the daily practice of looking deeply into the nature of the reality before us. Thich Nhat Hanh shares his experience of touching his innermost request, his deepest desire, which has fueled his extraordinary creativity in working to liberate himself and others. Thay tells how a beautiful drawing of a Buddha stirred this yearning in him when he was young. We hope you see in the photographs presented in these pages many of the beaming buddhas-to-be in our midst.

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We offer you this harvest of writings which have come to us out of the daily practice of looking deeply into the nature of the reality before us. Thich Nhat Hanh shares his experience of touching his innermost request, his deepest desire, which has fueled his extraordinary creativity in working to liberate himself and others. Thay tells how a beautiful drawing of a Buddha stirred this yearning in him when he was young. We hope you see in the photographs presented in these pages many of the beaming buddhas-to-be in our midst. Each writer's investigation into his or her own koan helps all of us remember to remember what matters the most moment-to-moment as we go through our day, and how we can respond so that we take care of our "baby," that is our life, which includes everyone and everything we touch.

—Therese Fitzgerald, Carole Melkonian, and Arnie Kotler

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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