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I Am Home

Portraits of Immigrant Teenagers

In I Am Home, you will meet the faces and voices behind the conversations around immigration. These portraits and stories of teenagers who are recent immigrants to the US from... Read More






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In I Am Home, you will meet the faces and voices behind the conversations around immigration. These portraits and stories of teenagers who are recent immigrants to the US from all over the world show the diversity, beauty, and potential of the people who now call the United States home.

Sixty full-page portraits of students at Oakland International High School, photographed by award-winning photographer Ericka McConnell, are accompanied by their own unique, diverse, and surprising stories of what makes them feel at home.

Each of these young people is inspiring in their own right and together their stories will help us consider the issue of immigration with new mindfulness and compassion. All profits from the publication of this book will be donated to Oakland International High School.

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Weight N/A
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Paperback, eBook



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7.125" x 10.25"

ISBN 9781946764119
ISBN 9781946764126

What others are saying

"Timely, heartfelt, and inspiring."

Suzy B.

"This is an important book on so many levels. While politicians may throw around statistics no one wants to discuss the actual families who have given up everything to get here."

T. Fogelquist

"This book should be in every American's home- reminding us of our fortune at having diversity bless our country. It is poignant, and beautiful."

Michael Cecconi
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About Rachel Neumann

Rachel Neumann is a Bay Area-based writer whose work focuses on civil liberties, human rights, mindfulness, and the intersection of parenting and progressive politics. She is the author of Not Quite Nirvana (Parallax Press), a contributor to the anthology The Battle of Seattle (Soft Skull Press), and the co-author of... Read More

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About Ericka McConnell

Ericka McConnell, a bicoastal Californian who has worked in New York for more than 20 years, has photographed retreat centers in India, Mexico, and Santa Barbara and Santa Fe in the US. Her images have graced the covers of Travel&Leisure, Conde Naste Traveler, Woman Magazine, Fitness, and Yoga Journal. Instagram... Read More

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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